A Note on the Occurrence of Deccan Trap Outlier Over Hutti Schist Belt, Raichur District, Karnataka


  • Geologist, Geological Survey of India


An occurrence of Deccan Trap outlier over Hutti schist belt of Precambrian age is reported. The traps are found at an elevation of 560m as against their occurrence between 500 and 520m contours north of the Krishna river. This is attributed to an ENE-WSW trending post trappean fault along the present course of river Krishna. A thin spread of waterworn cobbles and pebbles of orthoquartzite, sandstone, slate and chert of Kaladgi affinity is seen below the Deccan Trap.


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Research Notes




How to Cite

Narasimha, S. (1981). A Note on the Occurrence of Deccan Trap Outlier Over Hutti Schist Belt, Raichur District, Karnataka. Journal of Geological Society of India, 22(12), 597–598. Retrieved from https://geosocindia.com/index.php/jgsi/article/view/64895


FOOTE, R. B., (1876) Geological features of the southern Mahratta country and adjacent districts. Mem. Geol. Surv. India, v. 13, pt. I, p. 168.

NARASIMHA, S., (1977) Trends of dolerite dykes and quartz veins along the southern boundary of Bhima basin, Karnataka State. Symposium paper, structural trends in Peninsular India, S. V. University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh.